The Pre-Law Society will be heading to Los Angeles on Saturday, November 16 to attend the LSAC Forum and visit some law schools in the LA area. This event is open to all dues paying members! Dues are $20 per semester and $30 for an entire year. If you are interested, please fill out this interest form :
UC Law Panel - November 12, 2019
The Pre-Law Society is proud to host a UC Law Panel on Tuesday, November 12 at 3:30pm in the Visionary Suite of the Aztec Student Union. UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UC Hastings, UCLA and UC Davis will have a representative available to speak and answer any questions! Seating is limited so please RSVP!
The SDSU Pre-Law Society is proud to collaborate with Associated Students, Pi Sigma Alpha and International Rescue Committee (IRC) to host a Know Your Rights presentation on Tuesday November 19 at 5pm. The presentation will take place at the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of the Aztec Student Union. The IRC representative will be speaking about immigration rights. Seating is limited so please RSVP!